Frequently Asked Questions

How are you able to quote lower prices than other solar companies?

We don't follow the "EPC" model, and instead source materials directly to get you great panels at great prices. We also install in-house, which means we don't send your installation out to national installers who don't have your best interest in mind. We're different.

How are you different?

We're not a dealer for another company - we buy your materials and install locally. We offer no-dealer loan options, and look for every way to keep your costs down while delivering a great project.

How does the tax credit work?

There's a federal 30% tax credit. There's also depreciation available. Bottom line, taxes can be complicated but we include tax preparation services as part of your system costs FOR FREE! Who else can say that?

What type of loan options do you provide?

We partner with national loan companies to get you great loan options, including no-dealer fee loans for qualified applicants.

Do all loans include dealer fees?

NO, we have NO or LOW dealer fee options for qualified applicants! The industry pushes up to 40%+ options - we're taking a stand against that.

Do you provide solar for businesses?

Absolutely. We do commercial projects, and in fact, can help facilitate REAP grants from the government totaling up to 50% for qualified, rural businesses.

Do businesses get additional grants from the government?

Absolutely, for qualified rural businesses, we can go to bat for you to apply for up to 50% grant money! REAP is a great program from the USDA.


About Us


Tulsa, Oklahoma

(918) 313-7663

3901 S Stonecrest Ct

Sand Springs, OK 74063

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